How To Treat Thrush Naturally
How to treat thrush naturally - you and everyone must have experienced what it was like when suffering from canker sores. Thrush or sores is not a terrible disease like cancer. However, canker sores quite disturbing patients because not only feel pain or tenderness, even you can not eat with pleasure and also can interfere with your activities. To treat thrush, do not have to use drugs. Turns out fruit or other food sources can cure canker sores. Want to know How to treat thrush using natural ingredients? Consider the following brief review.
Tips to cure canker sores Naturally
1. Guava leaves
Guava is a fruit that is easy to get almost anywhere and it turned out very efficacious cure canker sores. To treat ulcers, take a few pieces of guava leaves, then chew. After the gargle.
2. Tomato
Consuming fruits that contain vitamin C such as tomatoes can also treat your canker sores. Consumption of raw tomatoes or tomato juice is highly recommended because tomatoes contain vitamin C is high.
3. Garlic and papaya
To speed up the healing, you should apply the medicine directly on your canker sores. Take the sliced garlic, then put on your canker sores. In addition to garlic, you can also use papaya to treat thrush. The trick, apply papaya on the location of your canker sores.
4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties. Mix coconut oil with honey and apply on the sprue as much as three times a day on a regular basis.
5. Drinking yoghurt
One cause of canker sores is oral hygiene is not maintained causing bacteria lodged in the mouth. By drinking yoghurt, will help control the balance of bacteria in the mouth. In addition, yogurt also can accelerate wound healing of canker sores.
6. Turmeric
Besides being used as a cooking spice, turmeric also serve as a remedy thrush. Take some turmeric and then wash, then mash until smooth. Mix turmeric paste with one teaspoon of glycerin, and apply this paste on the sprue.
7. Salt and baking soda
This is an easy way to heal canker sores. Mix salt with baking soda and add a little water. Apply this paste on the wound canker sores and leave for 10 minutes. After that, rinse in cold water.
How to treat thrush using natural ingredients are proven easy. In addition to easily get the materials, you also do not need to buy expensive medicines to heal your canker sores. Good luck.