Thursday, June 26, 2014

Eliminate Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally - acne or acne is a serious problem, especially for women. Acne can remove facial skin beauty and gradually also will erode the confidence of the experience. No one wants to face plagued by acne, especially women. To get rid of acne, many women have to pocket inside to buy drugs and physician care. In fact, acne can be eliminated using natural ingredients. To find out how to get rid of acne naturally, consider the following review.

Eliminate Acne

How to remove acne from the inside

1. Drinking water
Water is important to consume at least 8 glasses a day. In addition, water can help keep the body and also help the regeneration of skin cells. By drinking lots of water, then the impurities in the body which is also the cause of acne is gone. Therefore, a great white water consumed by those who want to get rid of acne and is very good for the skin and body health.

2. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables serves to dissolve the bad fats in the body. Therefore, the levels of excess oil produced by the body will also be reduced. Thus, the oil on the skin will also be reduced.

3. Avoid fatty foods
Foods that contain a lot of fat will make the body produces excess oil that is certainly not good for health. Excess oil on the body also will have an impact on the oil content in the body. Excess oil on the skin will lead to clogged skin pores which eventually will form clumps and contain bacteria that cause acne, Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that.

How to remove acne from the outside

Aloe vera besides vitamin for hair health, wound healing, also potentially increase oxygen levels that are useful for the skin, helps strengthen skin tissue so it does not sag, and helps prevent premature aging. other than that aloe vera is also beneficial for reducing acne how you can cut it into pieces of aloe vera and remove the outer skin. Apply aloe vera are regularly morning and afternoon. If you do it regularly, it will dry up acne and acne scars will disappear.

2. Honey

Apply honey Honey can fight the infection on skin tissue, honey is able to get into the skin tissue infected with bacteria this area is usually located in areas where the fat is caused by excess oil glands produce fat, the use of honey helps cure acne by killing acne bacteria commonly called P Acne , so that although oil production in the glands under the skin tissue over yet awake skin from infections caused by acne. to perform healing acne with honey you can use a cotton swab soaked with honey and apply on the skin with acne then wait up to 15 minutes, and rinse using clean water.

3. Garlic

Before you try to use garlic is a good idea to read the benefits of garlic for acne which helps overcome inflammation of the skin tissue caused by acne. By rubbing garlic on acne, in addition to helping resolve inflammation will also make acne is not too severe scars on your skin so that your skin looks normal quickly fade and faster. how to use it is to smooth the 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, rub the skin with acne, and let stand for 10 minutes.

4. Papaya

Papaya fruit is popular with fruit that can nourish your digestive health is also nutritious for your skin because Papaya contains an enzyme called AHA (Alpha hydroxy acid), this enzyme plays a role helps retain moisture and softness of the skin. other than that the substance contained in papaya are also able to reduce acne in your skin with a blend or puree how papaya taste. Then apply on acne prone skin, and let stand for 10 minutes.

5. Fruit Tomato
Talk of the tomato problem comes in your mind is the fruit contains vitamin C which is not only good for the consumer, but also good for your skin because tomatoes contain several vitamins C, A, and K, vitamin is what can help us to overcome acne problems. how to use it is to slice the tomatoes into pieces, and then paste or apply on the face with acne. Let stand for 15 minutes-1 hour.

6. White Eggs
How to remove acne latter way is to use egg whites is relatively easy and is almost similar to the way of using honey, but it smells a little fishy. As for how to use, apply egg white is we separate area to the entire face, because in addition to eliminating acne egg whites are also good for skin tightening face again. Allow the egg white mask formerly approximately 30-40 minutes and rinse with clean water, then wash your face with a soft towel to dry. Do this before you sleep.

7. Lime
Very refreshing lime to be made this fruit drinks are also capable of curing skin disorders such as acne in lime deposits may like vitamin B1, sulfur, citric acid, glycosides, resins, essential oils, amino acids, citric acid, and others. Prepare Shopping citrus fruit orange into sections Rubbing orange parts of the area had to face evenly, Let it then wash.

8. Toothpaste
Who would have thought that toothpaste frequently used to clean teeth also can eliminate acne. how was pretty applying toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then do not forget to wash your face with clean water.

Good luck hopefully acne removal tips useful for you all.

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