Sunday, June 29, 2014

How To Treat Thrush Naturally

How To Treat Thrush Naturally

How to treat thrush naturally - you and everyone must have experienced what it was like when suffering from canker sores. Thrush or sores is not a terrible disease like cancer. However, canker sores quite disturbing patients because not only feel pain or tenderness, even you can not eat with pleasure and also can interfere with your activities. To treat thrush, do not have to use drugs. Turns out fruit or other food sources can cure canker sores. Want to know How to treat thrush using natural ingredients? Consider the following brief review.


Tips to cure canker sores Naturally

1. Guava leaves
Guava is a fruit that is easy to get almost anywhere and it turned out very efficacious cure canker sores. To treat ulcers, take a few pieces of guava leaves, then chew. After the gargle.

2. Tomato
Consuming fruits that contain vitamin C such as tomatoes can also treat your canker sores. Consumption of raw tomatoes or tomato juice is highly recommended because tomatoes contain vitamin C is high.

3. Garlic and papaya
To speed up the healing, you should apply the medicine directly on your canker sores. Take the sliced garlic, then put on your canker sores. In addition to garlic, you can also use papaya to treat thrush. The trick, apply papaya on the location of your canker sores.

4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties. Mix coconut oil with honey and apply on the sprue as much as three times a day on a regular basis.

5. Drinking yoghurt
One cause of canker sores is oral hygiene is not maintained causing bacteria lodged in the mouth. By drinking yoghurt, will help control the balance of bacteria in the mouth. In addition, yogurt also can accelerate wound healing of canker sores.

6. Turmeric
Besides being used as a cooking spice, turmeric also serve as a remedy thrush. Take some turmeric and then wash, then mash until smooth. Mix turmeric paste with one teaspoon of glycerin, and apply this paste on the sprue.
7. Salt and baking soda
This is an easy way to heal canker sores. Mix salt with baking soda and add a little water. Apply this paste on the wound canker sores and leave for 10 minutes. After that, rinse in cold water.

How to treat thrush using natural ingredients are proven easy. In addition to easily get the materials, you also do not need to buy expensive medicines to heal your canker sores. Good luck.
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Eliminate Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally - acne or acne is a serious problem, especially for women. Acne can remove facial skin beauty and gradually also will erode the confidence of the experience. No one wants to face plagued by acne, especially women. To get rid of acne, many women have to pocket inside to buy drugs and physician care. In fact, acne can be eliminated using natural ingredients. To find out how to get rid of acne naturally, consider the following review.

Eliminate Acne

How to remove acne from the inside

1. Drinking water
Water is important to consume at least 8 glasses a day. In addition, water can help keep the body and also help the regeneration of skin cells. By drinking lots of water, then the impurities in the body which is also the cause of acne is gone. Therefore, a great white water consumed by those who want to get rid of acne and is very good for the skin and body health.

2. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables serves to dissolve the bad fats in the body. Therefore, the levels of excess oil produced by the body will also be reduced. Thus, the oil on the skin will also be reduced.

3. Avoid fatty foods
Foods that contain a lot of fat will make the body produces excess oil that is certainly not good for health. Excess oil on the body also will have an impact on the oil content in the body. Excess oil on the skin will lead to clogged skin pores which eventually will form clumps and contain bacteria that cause acne, Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that.

How to remove acne from the outside

Aloe vera besides vitamin for hair health, wound healing, also potentially increase oxygen levels that are useful for the skin, helps strengthen skin tissue so it does not sag, and helps prevent premature aging. other than that aloe vera is also beneficial for reducing acne how you can cut it into pieces of aloe vera and remove the outer skin. Apply aloe vera are regularly morning and afternoon. If you do it regularly, it will dry up acne and acne scars will disappear.

2. Honey

Apply honey Honey can fight the infection on skin tissue, honey is able to get into the skin tissue infected with bacteria this area is usually located in areas where the fat is caused by excess oil glands produce fat, the use of honey helps cure acne by killing acne bacteria commonly called P Acne , so that although oil production in the glands under the skin tissue over yet awake skin from infections caused by acne. to perform healing acne with honey you can use a cotton swab soaked with honey and apply on the skin with acne then wait up to 15 minutes, and rinse using clean water.

3. Garlic

Before you try to use garlic is a good idea to read the benefits of garlic for acne which helps overcome inflammation of the skin tissue caused by acne. By rubbing garlic on acne, in addition to helping resolve inflammation will also make acne is not too severe scars on your skin so that your skin looks normal quickly fade and faster. how to use it is to smooth the 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, rub the skin with acne, and let stand for 10 minutes.

4. Papaya

Papaya fruit is popular with fruit that can nourish your digestive health is also nutritious for your skin because Papaya contains an enzyme called AHA (Alpha hydroxy acid), this enzyme plays a role helps retain moisture and softness of the skin. other than that the substance contained in papaya are also able to reduce acne in your skin with a blend or puree how papaya taste. Then apply on acne prone skin, and let stand for 10 minutes.

5. Fruit Tomato
Talk of the tomato problem comes in your mind is the fruit contains vitamin C which is not only good for the consumer, but also good for your skin because tomatoes contain several vitamins C, A, and K, vitamin is what can help us to overcome acne problems. how to use it is to slice the tomatoes into pieces, and then paste or apply on the face with acne. Let stand for 15 minutes-1 hour.

6. White Eggs
How to remove acne latter way is to use egg whites is relatively easy and is almost similar to the way of using honey, but it smells a little fishy. As for how to use, apply egg white is we separate area to the entire face, because in addition to eliminating acne egg whites are also good for skin tightening face again. Allow the egg white mask formerly approximately 30-40 minutes and rinse with clean water, then wash your face with a soft towel to dry. Do this before you sleep.

7. Lime
Very refreshing lime to be made this fruit drinks are also capable of curing skin disorders such as acne in lime deposits may like vitamin B1, sulfur, citric acid, glycosides, resins, essential oils, amino acids, citric acid, and others. Prepare Shopping citrus fruit orange into sections Rubbing orange parts of the area had to face evenly, Let it then wash.

8. Toothpaste
Who would have thought that toothpaste frequently used to clean teeth also can eliminate acne. how was pretty applying toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then do not forget to wash your face with clean water.

Good luck hopefully acne removal tips useful for you all.
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Friday, June 20, 2014

7 Tips to Remove Scars With Natural

7 Tips to Remove Scars With Natural

How to get rid of scars quickly and naturally - Surely you are familiar with the name of the wound, every injured will leave scars, especially the scar on your body. Not a few people who have problems with scars or also commonly referred to as scar that causes the few things one of which is due to scratches sharp objects, falls, allergies, and so forth. Scars in the form of black spots certainly very disturbing your appearance. Not only that, the scar will also reduce your confidence, especially when dressed. To remove the scar, not only can be removed using expensive drugs. however, the scars can be removed using natural ingredients.


How to Remove Scars With Natural

1. Lime
     Prepare the lemon, then slice into pieces. After that, apply on the scars, and rinse with warm water. For the first time you try it, it will feel the pain, but do not worry because it is a process to remove the scar.

2. Cucumber
     How to use cucumber to remove the scar is very easy. Prepare cucumber taste, then chopped until smooth. Then, place the chopped cucumber on the scar. We recommend you do before going to bed, and leave it until the next day. Do it regularly so that the scars disappear little by little.

3. Honey
     Apply honey on the scar, and then leave it until the next morning. Perform routine before bed to remove the scar.

4. Olive oil
     Besides useful to remove acne scars, olive oil also serves to remove the scar on your body. The way is certainly very easy, apply olive oil on the scar. Do it regularly, so that the scars disappear gradually.

5. Rose hip seed oil
     Aside from being the main ingredient of beauty products maker, rose hip seed oil is also used to remove scar. Quite easy, cover scars using this oil, then do massage on the scar for approximately 15 minutes. For maximum results, do it this way two days, the scars will slowly disappear.

6. Green tea
     Dip the cotton into the green, then apply on your scars. Perform routine for maximum results.

7. Garlic
     Cut the garlic into two parts, and then rubbed the scar to prevent the appearance of scars in the future.

I hope the article on how to get rid of scars can be useful for you all, do not forget to read the other articles as well ..
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Ways to Whiten The Face Naturally

5 Ways to Whiten The Face Naturally

Naturally whiten face - Many say especially the spikolog that the face is one of the organs in which the character of a person is able to be seen from there. Like shape cheeks, eyes, eyebrows, forehead, lips, and so forth, the face has an important social role significance because the face is the media that serves to communicate so many ways that people do to embellish and beautify their faces like a treat, whiten and polish with various beauty tools with the aim to increase confidence is high. Although confidence can be obtained without having to have a white face pretty but of many cases prove that the white face will be easier to gain confidence. Has a beautiful face is a gift from the creator and you are supposed to be grateful, and one of them is through your facial beauty care. For treating facial skin there so many kinds one is to treat and naturally whiten face. During the course of your skin care should avoid some things that can make your skin as dark as to avoid direct sunlight, harmful bleach cream, skin care errors, dust and pollution, and so forth that trigger the skin to change color. Face whiten naturally preferred by many women because it can minimize the risk of skin care errors and of course will keep you from the things that are not desirable.

 Whiten The Face

Because the face is a very important organ for communicating then, almost everyone so obsessed with skin color is white and clean, they tried various ways to look beautiful and radiant, some use by means of plastic surgery, there is also a way natural as I share the following, this natural way besides cheaper too without risk. for those of you who intend to bleach the skin look the following way

How to whiten face :

  • With Bengkoang (Yam)

You must have been familiar with the name Bengkoang which is one of the fruits that are so much in use to bleach facial by the famous brand whitening face cream, this is certainly no reason why the yam into the main ingredients of this facial bleach because yam contains vitamins B1 and C highly efficacious for eliminating black spots on the face and make the skin color becomes brighter and brighter.
Here is a way of making and use:
1. Prepare to taste and yam peel and wash.
2. Take grated and shredded yam.
3. Put the yam juice into a clear container.
4. Leave for about 20-30 minutes or until a white precipitate yam juice.
5. Then wear a sari sediment bengkoang been made earlier to serve as a natural mask and let stand until dry the face.
6. Wash your face from earlier yam mask with clean water.

  • With Milk

Milk is good for your body growth was also good for your skin. Highly nutritious milk to refresh the skin and is able to regenerate skin cells that have died so that your skin will look brighter and smoother.
How to Make and Use:
1. White condensed milk or creamer to taste.
2. Take a few drops of condensed milk white.
3. Apply the white condensed milk evenly to the face area with a soft cloth.
4. Let stand about approximately 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
5. Do this regularly and before going to sleep.

  • With lemon

In addition there are more nutritious milk makes your face is white lime that contain natural antioxidants. Lime can be used as a natural way to whiten the face. It also serves to hydrate the skin.
How to Make and Use:
1. Take a lemon and a chicken's egg.
2. Squeeze lemon and you just take the water.
3. Mix the lime juice with egg white.
4. Apply a mixture of lime juice with egg white around to face evenly.
5. Then Wait approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Wash your face from a mixture of lime juice with egg white using warm water.
7. Do this every night before bed.

  • With Tomatoes

I am sure that the fruit is very easy to obtain and may be among you no one knows if the tomatoes are very good for the skin, especially the skin of your face. As you know that for the most Tomato is a fruit contains vitamin C which is also good for skin health.
How to Make and Use:
1. Puree tomatoes to taste,
2. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and stir until blended.
3. Apply evenly to the face area.
4. Wait for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

  • With Rice

Besides tomatoes no longer easily available and are also good for skin health is rice which is also rich in vitamin E is beneficial to prevent the skin from UV rays and is also believed to inhibit aging.
How to Make and Use:
1. Soak quite a handful of rice with water up to overnight.
2. Drain the marinade until completely dry.
3. Results immersion blender rice is dried to form like flour.
4. Add 2 tablespoons rice flour mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
5. Use as a mask and wait for about 15-20 minutes.
6. After that you rinse with clean water.

That's 5 ways to whiten the face naturally. preferably to obtain satisfactory results in the treatment done on a regular basis until you see the desired results conform
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Quickly Eliminate Dandruff Naturally

Quickly Eliminate Dandruff Naturally

Eliminate dandruff naturally - it is time to stop the aggravation you with your dandruff problem, immediately end your suffering with cleaning your dandruff. Don't let you linger stay in your head before all these problems make you more stress and loss of self-confidence because of hair itchy and looks more and more. there is a solution that you should do to get rid of your dandruff. As you know that the problem of dandruff is a common problem suffered by many people, but they do not realize that it's actually dandruff can be treated with a natural way to treat dandruff just takes commitment and patience. Because dandruff is derived from the skin of your hair then you also need a skin health that dandruff will not come back after treatment.

Eliminate Dandruff

There is little information to you about how to be dandruff in your head, some studies suggest that dandruff is the head of the dead skin cells which then peel and become a heap because they caused a lack of care. To eliminate it you would have to do more maintenance. You can try the tips on how to eliminate dandruff naturally as below.

How to Quickly Eliminate Dandruff Naturally:

  • Benefits of Pandan leaves for hair
Pandan usual to give the fragrance of the food also contains substances and vitamins that can nourish hair tones are way to wear it is that you can mash and puree around 7 or 5 pandan leaves previously washed thoroughly first. Then squeeze and take the water alone. Rub the juice had to part the hair and then after you can average wait pandan juice water soaks the time it takes approximately 30 minutes late and do not forget to wash your hair after completion.

  •  With Lime, Pineapple and Coconut Milk
Did you know that lemon is also capable of being used to eliminate dandruff while the way is to prepare the lemon and pineapple, then take the juice of each fruit about 100 ml, and mix the juice with 100 ml coconut milk. After stirring wet your hair with the water and you should regularly perform this treatment 2 times a week.

  • With Aloe Vera
How: You can take 1 piece of aloe vera plant, take the meat and mashed until completely smooth. So the next step was to an area collision Apply your hair and let sit 15 min wash hair with clean water.

  • With Apple Juice
Apple juice is famous for its rich flavor and vitamins are also useful to provide many nutrients for your hair way you can prepare about 3 apples and apple juice. Then mix the apple extract or juice with warm water as needed. The final step is to use the juice to wash it and let stand about 15 min, rinse the hair with clean water.
  • With Kale 
Kale that is not only nutritious and tasty vegetables also have proof has made nutrition for your hair. The way you can prepare approximately bunch kale then boiled with 2 cups of water. Let stand until kale stew only remaining 1 cup only. Then cool the stew, stew the next step wipe the cold water into the hair, wait until about 30-min and wash your hair with shampoo that is suitable for skin, hair / head you.
  • With Olive Oil
This oil has a lot of properties one of which is to trick the head of hair you can massage your head with olive oil which is applied to your hair, then shut your head with a towel and allow approximately one hour.

  • With Vinegar
How to wear it is: prepare vinegar and water with the same size number, apply a mixture of vinegar and water to your hair at night and then you can go to sleep and then wash your hair after you wake up in the morning.

You can try one by one of the tips above tips to your hair really clean from dandruff, you can try out of the way first to the last, and I think the way you do not need to do any other tips if one of the tips that you've managed to do is do tips that you think is most convenient for you. thank you and good luck. I hope your hair looks beautiful and free from dandruff.
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