Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Ways to Whiten The Face Naturally

5 Ways to Whiten The Face Naturally

Naturally whiten face - Many say especially the spikolog that the face is one of the organs in which the character of a person is able to be seen from there. Like shape cheeks, eyes, eyebrows, forehead, lips, and so forth, the face has an important social role significance because the face is the media that serves to communicate so many ways that people do to embellish and beautify their faces like a treat, whiten and polish with various beauty tools with the aim to increase confidence is high. Although confidence can be obtained without having to have a white face pretty but of many cases prove that the white face will be easier to gain confidence. Has a beautiful face is a gift from the creator and you are supposed to be grateful, and one of them is through your facial beauty care. For treating facial skin there so many kinds one is to treat and naturally whiten face. During the course of your skin care should avoid some things that can make your skin as dark as to avoid direct sunlight, harmful bleach cream, skin care errors, dust and pollution, and so forth that trigger the skin to change color. Face whiten naturally preferred by many women because it can minimize the risk of skin care errors and of course will keep you from the things that are not desirable.

 Whiten The Face

Because the face is a very important organ for communicating then, almost everyone so obsessed with skin color is white and clean, they tried various ways to look beautiful and radiant, some use by means of plastic surgery, there is also a way natural as I share the following, this natural way besides cheaper too without risk. for those of you who intend to bleach the skin look the following way

How to whiten face :

  • With Bengkoang (Yam)

You must have been familiar with the name Bengkoang which is one of the fruits that are so much in use to bleach facial by the famous brand whitening face cream, this is certainly no reason why the yam into the main ingredients of this facial bleach because yam contains vitamins B1 and C highly efficacious for eliminating black spots on the face and make the skin color becomes brighter and brighter.
Here is a way of making and use:
1. Prepare to taste and yam peel and wash.
2. Take grated and shredded yam.
3. Put the yam juice into a clear container.
4. Leave for about 20-30 minutes or until a white precipitate yam juice.
5. Then wear a sari sediment bengkoang been made earlier to serve as a natural mask and let stand until dry the face.
6. Wash your face from earlier yam mask with clean water.

  • With Milk

Milk is good for your body growth was also good for your skin. Highly nutritious milk to refresh the skin and is able to regenerate skin cells that have died so that your skin will look brighter and smoother.
How to Make and Use:
1. White condensed milk or creamer to taste.
2. Take a few drops of condensed milk white.
3. Apply the white condensed milk evenly to the face area with a soft cloth.
4. Let stand about approximately 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
5. Do this regularly and before going to sleep.

  • With lemon

In addition there are more nutritious milk makes your face is white lime that contain natural antioxidants. Lime can be used as a natural way to whiten the face. It also serves to hydrate the skin.
How to Make and Use:
1. Take a lemon and a chicken's egg.
2. Squeeze lemon and you just take the water.
3. Mix the lime juice with egg white.
4. Apply a mixture of lime juice with egg white around to face evenly.
5. Then Wait approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Wash your face from a mixture of lime juice with egg white using warm water.
7. Do this every night before bed.

  • With Tomatoes

I am sure that the fruit is very easy to obtain and may be among you no one knows if the tomatoes are very good for the skin, especially the skin of your face. As you know that for the most Tomato is a fruit contains vitamin C which is also good for skin health.
How to Make and Use:
1. Puree tomatoes to taste,
2. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and stir until blended.
3. Apply evenly to the face area.
4. Wait for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

  • With Rice

Besides tomatoes no longer easily available and are also good for skin health is rice which is also rich in vitamin E is beneficial to prevent the skin from UV rays and is also believed to inhibit aging.
How to Make and Use:
1. Soak quite a handful of rice with water up to overnight.
2. Drain the marinade until completely dry.
3. Results immersion blender rice is dried to form like flour.
4. Add 2 tablespoons rice flour mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
5. Use as a mask and wait for about 15-20 minutes.
6. After that you rinse with clean water.

That's 5 ways to whiten the face naturally. preferably to obtain satisfactory results in the treatment done on a regular basis until you see the desired results conform

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