Monday, July 21, 2014

How to Whiten Teeth

How to Whiten Teeth

How to Whiten Teeth - each person will not feel awkward again to laugh and with white teeth, so you will look more expressive and without embarrassment to smile and show your teeth are white and clean. There are some tips you can do to whiten your teeth, everything you can see and practice with no fewer side effects because all the tips done naturally. But before you read any tips you might want to know what makes your teeth do not look white, here are some of the causes (1) Lack of brushing your teeth every day that is at least 2x a day. (2) Smoking is the cause of Nicotine on the teeth. (3) Drinks that have colored substances such as tea, coffee, and so forth. (4) Using Teeth whitening treatments are dangerous or not suitable for your teeth, well, if you already know a little about the causes of yellow teeth you can continue to read the tips whiten teeth.

Whiten Teeth

Tips to Whiten Teeth

In addition to brushing with a routine for 2 times a day there are some useful tips to keep your teeth whiter and certainly will be more confident here are some things you can do

1. With Siwak
You must have heard the name Siwak or commonly known as miswak, made from tree branches or roots that are used to clean the teeth, gums, and mouth. Using Siwak to whiten teeth already done Muslims since antiquity. All branches or roots of trees can be used to serve as siwak when soft and kept clean.

2. The content of orange peel
Orange peel contains natural bleaching agents that can be useful to whiten teeth. How, rub the inside of the orange peel is still fresh in the teeth.

3. Consuming Carrots
Carrot is quite easy because you do only with chewing carrots can remove plaque and whiten teeth.

4. Eating Apples
Apples contain ingredients that can lift stains and plaque on teeth. Consuming an apple every day can whiten teeth naturally.

5. Strawberries
Strawberries can also whiten teeth naturally. Just enough to consume strawberries as usual and will be white and healthy teeth.

6. Lemon and salt
The trick is as follows: You can create his own toothpaste with natural ingredients that of lemon juice plus a little salt. Lemon and salt can be used to whiten teeth. Do not overuse the toothpaste, because the salt content can damage the enamel.

7. With cashew nut
The trick, first fuel betel nuts until charred and mashed until smooth. Then rub the betel nuts to the teeth by using a fiber nut or cotton cloth. Quite simply do 2 weeks.

So first article about how to naturally whiten teeth, hopefully can help you all. good 

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