Friday, August 8, 2014

How to Treat Flu and Colds

How to Treat Flu and Colds

Tips on How to Treat Flu and Colds - sad and certainly if suddenly struck flu, nasal congestion and sneezing. Because today we are talking about the flu or influenza is also often referred to before we headed on the subject of how to cope with the flu it helps us to know first what exactly flue was, of course, you are not confused anymore defines this disease because the flu is disease that often plagued humans and could hardly be guessed when the arrival, a disease caused by a viral infection that attacks the respiratory apparatus such as the nose, throat, and lungs that affects breathing apparatus work is not a dangerous disease, but sufficiently interfere with your activities.

Flu and Colds

Tips on How to Cure Flu and Colds

1. Enough rest
The most appropriate way to reduce the flu is to rest for the rest of your body back to normal immunity and antibodies in your body quickly neutralize viruses, the virus in the body so that the body can be healthy again.

2. Drink plenty of water
Water is one of the drugs that is able to get rid of toxins in your body the way you can drink 8 glasses per day. It aims to keep your throat stays clean from germs that can cause colds.

3. Drink warm beverages
Drinking warm beverages can help relieve breathing, reduce congestion, relieve inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat along that feels uncomfortable. Drink warm beverages such as warm water,coffee, the water warm tea, and so on. In addition to a warm drink, steam generated in a warm drink can also help thin the mucus.

3. Consumption of fruit and vegetables
Condition of the body that are not good cause immune and flu would attack someone who is weak body condition. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that can help restore immunity.

4. Bath with warm water
Warm bath aims to re-establish the immune system because the warm water will keep your body warm.

5. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with salt water also includes ways to reduce colds, flu disease could be caused by the presence of germs or bacteria in your mouth. Another benefit ddari gargling with salt water is able to kill germs or diseases that are in the mouth.

6. Winds blow from the nostrils
At the time of nasal congestion, it would be nice to breathe through the nostrils. Better still breathing (exhale) by closing one nostril and then exhale vigorously winds of nostril only. Perform alternately, but do not remove it so hard, because it can hurt your nose.

7. Aroma menthol
Apply eucalyptus oil or balm near the nostrils, throat, and also part of your chest. Menthol or mint scent can stimulate mucus production and diluted net.

8. Elevate pile of pillows
This method does seem trivial but potent enough to overcome the flu because when sleeping with your head may reduce the formation of mucus.

That is how to cope with the flu and colds that you can try . may be useful to you.

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